Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Mumbai’s encounter with the terror strikes this time were of a very different. Whereas throughout all these years we thought of terrorists as people who slinked in, planted their bombs and RDXes, and then vanishing without a trace into the multitudes. Whether it was at Mumbai or Delhi, or Hyderabad, or Jaipur or Malegaon, the terrorist himself was a faceless fiend. Not so this time, . This time however, we had young men moving around openly with AK47s and other sophisticated weapons …

 No efforts were taken to hide their visages. No stocking masks, no headgears, not even simple beards. In fact, one could see clearly that the faces were of young North Indians… (or Pakistanis??..) The terrorists were intercepted speaking Punjabi (Pakistani Punjabi…) and a lone captured terrorist proves to be from Faridkot… There are speculations about a trawler coming to Porbander from Karachi, ending so dramatically at Colaba. Then the discovery of considerable amounts of RDX close to the Taj and the credit cards that all but screamed out so called ‘identities’!!! All incriminating evidences pointing towards our not- too-friendly neighbour PAKISTAN.

Lets ‘pan back’ into time as Barkha Dutt would have said.


  • In 1919 the world was reeling under an economic depression – the luxury liner ‘Louisitania” wanders into hostile waters and gets targeted by the German submarines. The USA joins in the fray and then within an year or so emerges out of it an economic winner.
  • In 1941, deployment of forces sent wrong signals to an already sensitive Japan resulting in the attack on Pearl Harbour, giving the USA the chance to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Again USA emerged a ‘Superpower’ after the IInd World War. However, it’s worthy to note that in the early 1940’s the same superpower was in the throes of yet another economic low.
  • The Vietnam war, the Kuwait war, the Iran-Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, the ongoing Iraq war, every time there is an economic crisis, there is a major war in the world and the USA somehow has always been the HCF (in mathematical parlance, Highest Common Factor) in them. And always it has done very well for itself in the process.


If we take all those pointers and begin to put two and two together, we would be tempted to charge towards Pakistan like mad bulls. But we need to wait and take stock, to get into focus. If we do declare war on Pak, who will be our main supplier of weapons? And who will Pakistan depend upon for their armaments? Who will once again definitely come out as the ONLY economic giant in the World?

We are world weary and ought to know very well that although one sees the Puppet move its hands and legs, it cannot be held responsible for all its actions.

A war on Indian land at this juncture of time when we are emerging as one of the stable economies in the world, will surely spell doom for our country.


I appeal to the govt and people of India to BEWARE OF THIS CAPITALISTIC TRAP!!! 



Kunal Gupta said...

I absolutely agree with you on this.
Please do not go on war with Pakistan.

Tyllin said...

I have been having huge arguments and discussion with fellow colleagues in Mumbai on the same issue.
Try to get your hands on an American documentary called Zeitgeist a clear portrayal on how the common man has been deceived through the ages.
I am glad we share the same views and that I have studied under you guidance.

* BHavika VisioN * said...

Already we are having a tiff with the RECESSION.....
If the economy is witnessing a hard HIT in the absence of WAR,the situation cannot be imagined if we get down for WAR!!!

WAR is not the only solution!
It would be just like inviting more terror and destruction for the GENeration today and the GENnext!

Why cant WE strenghten our security and avoid the forthcoming Dark Clouds??
Why cant WE as individuals be more alert towards every action and interaction around us??